How to Blow Through the Obstacles and the Overwhelming to Create a Lifestyle of Unstoppable Potential
The Butterfly Effect is for you when you know that you are ready to see that massive positive change in your life…
Your commitment is there. You are tired of feeling stuck, tired of feeling overwhelmed and definitely tired of feeling like you dread waking up in the morning. The only missing piece has been the “how” to successfully make that change.
Peak performance expert Meridith Alexander’s Butterfly Effect gives you that missing piece — and then some.
You see, just a few years ago, Meridith’s world was dramatically impacted when her youngest daughter was literally crushed by a boulder in South America. Schuyler’s injuries were so severe that doctors warned that her survival (much less recovery) would require a miracle. You can read more details about the story on the ABOUT THE BOULDER page but let’s just say that they hadn’t met a family with this strong of a deliberately positive mindset.
So yes, Schuy survived the “unsurvivable” and Meridith instantly became her 24/7 caregiver in addition to the sole breadwinner for the two of them. It was a scary time and it was quite the challenge to stay positive — especially since the doctors couldn’t tell them for sure whether Schuy would ever be able to live independently again.
Meridith found herself in a situation where Schuy couldn’t be left alone in a room by herself, much less get herself to the restroom in the middle of the night, feed herself or dress herself. Schuy was 100% dependent on Meridith.
Finding time to make cold calls and to keep her business running began to feel impossible. She felt totally overwhelmed and pushed beyond her limits but she knew that she had to keep going. There were times when she almost lost hope but thankfully, she didn’t .
You see, Meridith realized that there had to be a way out of this abyss. Yes, the financial and emotional pressure was sometimes close to unbearable. However, Meridith had decades of training both in business and in mindset from some of the best mentors in the world. There had to be a way to combine the two elements into some sort of process that would help her create the life that she knew that both she and her daughter deserved.
Well, it looks months of trial and error but finally she had put together a formula of simple to follow, actionable steps — steps that she could follow on a daily basis consistently.
Guess what? IT WORKED.
In fact it worked so well that others began to notice and ask her to teach them this process. And as the story goes, “the rest is her-story!” Wink!
Today, Meridith is a peak performance strategist, inspirational speaker, top pro mindset life and career coach — and she transforms lives all over the world with this formula. And it all began with one crazy falling boulder.
Now, she wants to share it with YOU!
Let’s be honest. If this formula can work for Meridith in those sorts of extreme circumstances (and as you can see from the testimonials, it now has been working for so many others), why WOULDN’T you give it a try?
But first, let’s answer some of your questions…..
1. What is the format of the Butterfly Effect program?
2. What if I Miss A Day?
3. Why 90 Days?
4. What is the Butterfly Effect?
5. Why not go for a shorter time frame with bigger changes?
6. So what are my options if I want to move forward?
7. Can it be adapted to suit my own pace?
Is There Any Special Pricing
Available During Pre-Launch?
Regular price following the launch will be $3497.
If you enroll in the basic online program today,
you pay only $397.00
Yep, that’s right! That’s more than a $3000 discount just for taking massive action!