Schuyler continues to amaze (and delight me)! Check this out! 

How many of you remember when Schuy absolutely could not speak — or when she did speak that she was REALLY hard to understand? And I’m sure that it’s not hard to imagine how intimidating it must have felt to even consider speaking publicly?

Well…. Drumroll… I am thrilled to say that Schuy and I appeared TOGETHER on the Health Interrupted podcast. Be sure to check us out.

There is a LOT of Schuy and I would love to know what you think of it! In fact, Schuy of course loves reading your comments so don’t be shy to reach out and give her a virtual “high five” for her performance! 

If you’re not familiar with this podcast, let’s just say that it’s pretty awesome! Yes, it’s inspiring stories but it’s also real strategies for living your most epic life regardless of your circumstances. The hosts are a former Miss America (how cool is that) and a fitness trainer for the Hollywood Elite (another check mark in the cool category). 

So if you have been wondering what Schuyler (or I) have been up to as we head into the summer months, click on the link below and have a listen.

And spoiler alert, Schuy and I are working on doing more and more speaking events TOGETHER so give my lovely girl some encouragement in the chat if you think that’s a “heck yeah” idea! 

Ever been tempted to give up on something because it just seemed too hard? Too big? Too unrealistic?

Dedicating this episode to YOU if you said yes! My daughter and I appeared TOGETHER on the Health Interrupted #podcast. The same young woman who barely a year ago was still #impossiblee” to understand. Who barely 5 years ago was released from the hospital having survived the “unsurvivable”, being crushed by a boulder and knocked off a cliff.

Thank you @Gina Lombardi and @Laura Kaeppeler for inviting us to share our story and strategies on this episode. EPIC is not something that happens to you. EPIC is something that happens within you — regardless of the circumstances.

Need a little nudge to get you closer to those big dreams? Have a listen (link in the comments below) and let us know if you’ll join us in committing to stop fearing those boulders. It’s time to embrace them without looking back! #inspiration #motivation #leadership #success#womenempowerment #womenempoweringwomen #podcastinterview

Listen to our episode here: And give us a shout to let us know if it has inspired you to take even bigger action toward those even more epic dreams!